I haven't mentioned
Swap-bot here yet, but it's this very interesting site at which you can sign-up to participate in a swap: you send someone something, and someone else will send you something back, all based on certain established criteria/themes for that swap.
You can blame
Kyasuriin for this particular diversion. I guess she's good at providing distractions. :)
Anyway, my point (and yes, I do have one): there's this one swap called "
Swap a goat" that seems like an excellent idea, since it benefits charitable organizations (any one of your choice). It isn't just goats, really...but you have to admit it would be amusing if we were all actually shipping goats to various places. The last day to sign up is June 8, which is why I'm mentioning it now
and not because I'm really bad at this whole studying/working thing.
If you haven't checked out Swap-bot yet, then please do, and, specifically, consider joining the swap I just mentioned.
Have a lovely day. :)
(p.s., I can't update my template on Blogger at the moment, which is why the right sidebar hasn't been changed in a bit. :P)
Labels: charity, fun, general